Northern Beaches Geotechnical Consulting – Balgowlah Renovation

With a desire to contemporise this well-loved 1960’s brick and tile house, AscentGeo were briefed with the task of evaluating the site and providing geotechnical advice so that any work carried out would exceed requirements and allow this renovation to stand the test of time.


Abingdon Rd Renovation - Completed renovation (Southern Aspect).

This project involved alterations and additions to an existing two storey residence located in North Balgowlah. The property was mapped in a Landslip Risk Area with reference to Northern Beaches Council LEP, so a geotechnical report was required to support the clients DA application.

Due to the relatively limited geotechnical impacts of the proposed development, AscentGeo carried out a Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment, which involved review of all design documentation, review of Council controls, walkover site assessment and the issue of a Preliminary Geotechnical Assessment Report, complete with recommendations for structural design of footings, and appropriate construction methodology.

Our clients DA and CC were approved by Northern Beaches Council, and AscentGeo inspected the construction at the necessary hold points to ensure footings were taken to an appropriate material to support the structural loads.

“We have been using Ben and the team at AscentGeo for numerous years, and couldn't fault the service. Great to deal with along with great response times!!!”

- Matt Scully / Director / Scully Constructions


 Project Credits

Architect. Action Plans
Builder. Scully Constructions


Geotechnical Engineering – Pittwater Road, Bayview